My everyday schedule has been like that of a robot since i had my first professional job (naks pro!). I'd wake up between 8-10 in the morning (depends on my shift) to go to work, 8 - 10 (with overtime) hours after, will directly go home, eat dinner, turn on my PC, and play RO til i feel so sleepy, go to sleep and the cycle begins again.
Last night was different though. I was able to change the routine. After going home from work, some friends fetched me at home to ask me to watch the night's basketball game. I did not know that the annual basketball league had already started. I felt kindda excited cause i will be able to see some cuties (from the audience of course!) again, so i hurriedly finished my food and joined my friends.
We really did enjoy watching the game while having some "kulitan" and cheering for the team we're in favor of. The tension was there during the final quarter, and everyone from the crowd had started to get up on their seat, cheers up louder, and shouts for every good move shown by the players. In the end, our favorite team won (they were the same team from last year's league), yet the night did not end there.
After congratulating the players, I waved my hands on my friends to call it a night. Just then, Camille started to tease me, "pa- berger (burger) ka naman!" We all laughed and i just realized that everyone else was clapping their hands, cheering loud "berger! berger!." I became idle for a moment, the thought that i will be partying with Pat that night came rushing in. But then, i didn't wanna sound like a KJ (kill joy) so i said, "uuwi muna ko." Camille then gave me a sad look, as if wanting me to feel guilty, so i continued, "kukuha lang ako ng pera." And they all smiled and jumped, just like what a kid would do when you give him his favorite candy.
McDonald's is just a 5-min-walk away from the condominium we're all residing. Everyone was still hyper, running and chasing in the road. It was a fun sight. My night has been spent always in front of my monitor, stressing myself to level my character up, all i can see were 2D graphics, ym windows, internet browsers, everything virtual. This.

It was a different scene to me. It felt like i was on a different dimension. I used to go out like this during high school, and my early days of college. But since I started working, since i started being a gamer,since i became a volunteer, i became a slave of my computer habits.I always find it hard to resist to the temptation of using the computer, but this happiness is something irresistible, too.
Last night felt different, but it sure felt good.